Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home1/markfrim/public_html/textpattern/lib/constants.php on line 149 Mark Frimston Where the subheading is false Thu, 27 Sep 2018 11:30:22 GMT Look, Costa Coffee Look, Costa Coffee, it's really quite simple.


l(x) x is lactose intolerant
s(x) x wants soy milk in their cappuccino
c(x) x wants chocolate powder on top


Look, Costa Coffee, it's really quite simple.

Cappuccino Orders

Cappuccino Orders


l(x) x is lactose intolerant
s(x) x wants soy milk in their cappuccino
c(x) x wants chocolate powder on top


∀x[ l(x) → s(x) ∧ ¬c(x) ]
∀x[ l(x) → ¬c(x) ] (simplification)


∃x[ ¬l(x) ∧ s(x) ]
¬ ∀x[ ¬[ ¬l(x) ∧ s(x) ] ] (negation of quantified statement)
¬ ∀x[ l(x) ∨ ¬s(x) ] (DeMorgan's law)
¬ ∀x[ s(x) → l(x) ] (implication)


∴ ¬ ∀x [ s(x) → ¬c(x) ] (hypothetical syllogism)

I just prefer soy, ok?

]]> Fri, 15 Dec 2017 17:30:10 GMT Mark Frimston,2017-12-14:b22331e63cd9207172a5123b6a1c69ef/1ddef98ced09524bd645dbcb7db08e18
Epoch Zero Having worked on a couple of software systems that required localisation for multiple countries, I've encountered many situations where, much to my dismay, I've needed to dip into the baffling world of international time zones. Time zones are one of those awkward real-world domains, the rules for which have evolved independently over many years across many different authorities. They are chock-full of arbitrary edge cases that fly in the face of the kind of neat, organised abstractions that software developers love. Tom Scott sums up the problems brilliantly in one of his videos from the Computerphile channel on YouTube, The Problem With Time & Timezones.

Like many domains of this nature, you find that just at the point that you think you've understood, another curve-ball is thrown that makes you question everything. I had an experience like this a couple of years ago, when I found that my local time at the Unix epoch appeared to be wrong.

Back in the 1970s, a format for storing dates and times was invented for the Unix operating system. This format was simply a count of the number of seconds since a fixed point in time: Midnight UTC on 1 January, 1970. This point in time is referred to as the Unix epoch. Due to its simplicity and relative lack of ambiguity, Unix time has become commonplace in all kinds of software. UTC, by the way, is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for all intents and purposes.

My local time zone, in the UK, is GMT. However, for half the year between March and October, Daylight Savings Time is observed and the local time becomes one hour ahead of GMT. This is known as British Summer Time (BST). This shifting definition of local time can cause all manner of weird problems, with its missing and repeated hours and lack of one-to-one mapping with GMT. While working on a system where times were stored as GMT, but date arithmetic was done in UK time, I found daylight savings to be the cause of a lot of bugs.

Eventually, though, I thought I'd grasped all the nuances of Unix time, GMT and UK time. The Unix epoch was in January, which is between October and March so the UK would have been in sync with GMT. It was at midnight, so the time in the UK should have been midnight too, right? Imagine my horror, then, when the date command on my Linux machine gave me this as the UK time at the Unix epoch:

$ date -d @0
Thu  1 Jan 01:00:00 BST 1970

1 am BST? Daylight savings time in January? Had I misunderstood what BST was? Was the time zone database on my machine corrupt? Was it a bug? Was there some other definition of Unix time that I didn't know about?

It turns out it was none of these things. In 1970, the UK government happened to be experimenting with using daylight savings time all the year round in an attempt to reduce road accidents. This experiment, the "British Standard Time" experiment, only lasted between 27 October 1968 and 31 October 1971. A short-lived change, which has never happened since, and which happened to coincide with one of the most important dates in modern computing. Thanks a bunch, guys!

]]> Sat, 27 Aug 2016 12:23:33 GMT Mark Frimston,2016-08-27:b22331e63cd9207172a5123b6a1c69ef/20918470ebaff5d5e7737709e3acc13e
Gift Giving: A Chart Gift Giving

Gift Giving

]]> Sat, 19 Dec 2015 03:20:39 GMT Mark Frimston,2015-12-18:b22331e63cd9207172a5123b6a1c69ef/113ca1a4df6bc5be95fac5ed7d93d29e
Super Sam World Last month I was asked very nicely by Manchester Girl Geeks organiser Sam Headleand if I would consider making a simple platform game for their BarCamp event. So after a bit of coding with PyGame I came up with:

Last month I was asked very nicely by Manchester Girl Geeks organiser Sam Headleand if I would consider making a simple platform game for their BarCamp event. So after a bit of coding with PyGame I came up with:

Super Sam World - Episode 0: Race to the BarCamp

Super Sam World - Episode 0: Race to the BarCamp

It's the simplest platformer implementation I could imagine - there's just one level with one-way platforms, a start and an exit. This was deliberate, both to make things easier for myself and to make the code simpler for anyone wanting to have a play around with it. I couldn't create something for a STEM event without releasing the code as open-source, now could I? Interestingly I found that the limited game logic made for a fun constraint to design within.

Screenshot from the game

Screenshot from the game

One hurdle that I ran up against was with the tile rendering. The level foreground is drawn using lots of repeating square graphics called tiles - a technique that 8- and 16-bit-era games used to employ to make best use of the limited video memory available at the time. Even though they were born out of hardware limitations, a lot of modern 2D games still use tiles both for the retro aesthetic and for the ease of level design this modular approach brings.

Originally I was rendering the tiles by looping over each tile visible on the screen, and using PyGame's Surface.blit to copy the appropriate graphic to the screen buffer, each frame. The problem I found with this was that it was simply too slow to draw enough 64x64 pixel tiles to cover a 1024x768 screen.

Naive tile rendering

Naive tile rendering

As an optimisation, I did the following. Firstly I changed the tile rendering to render to a second Surface instead of directly to the screen Surface. This meant I had a "clean" version of the rendered tiles even after the other screen elements (background, player, text) had been drawn each frame.

Rendering to a buffer

Rendering to a buffer

Next I had the tile rendering start with the buffered tiles from the previous frame, and shift the image in the buffer according to how far the screen had moved across the level. PyGame's Surface.scroll can be used to shift a Surface in place. By using the tiles from the previous frame, this meant that as long as the screen didn't scroll too much between frames, most of the tiles would already be drawn for the next frame.

Scrolling rendered tiles from previous frame

Scrolling rendered tiles from previous frame

Finally I only needed to blit the tiles required to fill in the gaps left by the shifted buffer. I looped over the screen tiles as before, but skipped out the ones that were completely covered by pre-rendered area. The completed tile buffer could then be used as a starting point for the next frame, and so on.

Rendering tiles to fill in the gaps

Rendering tiles to fill in the gaps

The finished game can be found on the GitHub page here:

]]> Mon, 15 Jun 2015 00:30:17 GMT Mark Frimston,2015-06-14:b22331e63cd9207172a5123b6a1c69ef/5a81a0cffc1a6e06c93f107bfa8e27d2
Ascidia A few years ago I wrote an ASCII diagram parser in Python. I never got round to blogging about it at the time, but now I want to finally get some of my thoughts about it down in writing...

A few years ago I wrote an ASCII diagram parser in Python. I never got round to blogging about it at the time, but now I want to finally get some of my thoughts about it down in writing.


I called the project Ascidia (uh-sid-ee-uh) which is a combination of the words "ASCII" and "diagram". Ascidia is a command-line utility which parses ASCII art technical diagrams in a particular format, and outputs a prettier vector or raster image version. It was heavily inspired by Ditaa by Stathis Sideris which has been around for longer. To give you an idea of the kind of thing I mean, it turns something like this:

              -|-  -.
              / \   | 
              User  | Request
 Foobar         +--------+       .------.
  Layer         |  Acme  |       '------'
- - - - - - +   | Widget |<----->|      |
   .----.   ;   +--------+       |      |
  | do-  |  ;       |            '------'
  |  dad |--^--<|---+            Database
   '----'   ;

into something like this:

Ascidia-converted output image

Ascidia-converted output image

ASCII Diagrams

Why would anyone want to use ASCII text to make diagrams? Such diagrams are useful where only text is available and there is no facility for using images. Code comments are a good example of this. A picture speaks a thousand words, as they say, and good code comments can be essential for easily-maintainable code:

class Widget(object):
    The widget takes user input and relays messages to the doodad, which encodes
    them and sends them to the remote machine to be unencoded at the other end:
     O      +----+    +---+        +---+    +----+      O
    -|- <-->|    |<-->|   |<- - - >|   |<-->|    |<--> -|-
    / \     +----+    +---+        +---+    +----+     / \
            widget   doodad       doodad    widget
    def __init__(self):

If such ASCII diagrams are in a parsable format, it allows them to be extracted and processed into images, perhaps as part of an automated process for generating documentation. In the Java world, for example, javadoc comments can be parsed and turned into HTML documentation like this using the javadoc tool. Similarly Python has a pydoc tool for generating documentation from docstrings.


Why create another ASCII diagram tool if tools like Ditaa and ASCIIToSVG already exist? Well, for fun mostly. But beyond that, first you have to understand that I'm a big fan of John Gruber's text formatting language Markdown (and formats like it: atx, reStructuredText, etc). In particular, I like the philosophy Markdown follows.

The idea of Markdown is that it allows you to describe a text document with rich formatting; emphasis, paragraphs, bulleted lists, etc, as you can with HTML. Unlike HTML, however, Markdown does away with all of the messy angle brackets and other syntactic clutter that make the source difficult to read. Instead, Markdown's syntax uses such minimal and intuitive constructs that anyone reading the plain-text source wouldn't even know it was there. It essentially formalises many of the conventions that people adopt in plain-text documents anyway. The result is a format that is perfectly readable in its plain-text form, yet structured enough to be parsed and displayed with all of the beautiful formatting of HTML.

As an example, consider this fragment of HTML:

<h2>Rich Text</h2>
    Text <em>formatting</em>
        <li>So text</li>
        <li>Very format</li>

It isn't designed to be read by anyone other than the author. It's a set of instructions to the computer about how the document is structured. You need an HTML renderer (such as a web browser) in order to read it. Compare this with the equivalent Markdown:

Rich Text

Text *formatting*

* Wow
* So text
* Very format

It's easy to read, and this makes it easy to author too. The reason I personally like Markdown so much is because it allows me to write a document in any plain-text editor, where I can focus on the content and not be distracted by the presentation of the document while I do so. Many people use LaTeX for the same reason (It's pronounced lay-tek apparently), although despite the intention of its design I still found that my LaTeX documents were littered with presentational formatting instructions.

What You See is What You Get

I wanted Ascidia to be for diagrams what Markdown is for text; a plain-text Ascidia diagram should be as readable as its parsed and rendered form. I wanted to be able to write a perfectly readable document, with diagrams, entirely in plain text and have the option of rendering the whole thing in a prettier format later. Ditaa and ASCIIToSVG are both great, but I feel that neither quite fits this requirement as they don't take the Markdown philosophy all the way.

For example, Ditaa allows you to draw rectangular boxes in ASCII, and without further specification these will become rectangles in the output. However, more exotic boxes are specified by adding a tag to a rectangular box, indicating that its shape should be transformed in the output:

+-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|{d}  |   |{s}  |   |{io} |
|     |   |     |   |     |
|     |   |     |   |     |
+-----+   +-----+   +-----+
Document, storage and I/O boxes using Ditaa

Document, storage and I/O boxes using Ditaa

Similarly, lines can be specified with dashes in ASCII, and will be rendered as plain lines in the output. But they can be modified by adding a single special character to the line:

----+   ----+  
    |       :
    |       |
    v       v 
Solid and dashed lines using Ditaa

Solid and dashed lines using Ditaa

Colours can be specified using colour tags:

/----\ /----\
|c33F| |cC02|
|    | |    |
\----/ \----/

/----\ /----\
|c1FF| |c1AB|
|    | |    |
\----/ \----/
Coloured boxes using Ditaa

Coloured boxes using Ditaa

For me, Ditaa's (and similarly ASCIIToSVG's) use of metadata tags to control presentational attributes doesn't seem to entirely mesh with Markdown's philosophy. While convenient for the diagram author, they have no meaning in the plain-text source. To anyone viewing the diagram in its ASCII form, the metadata tags will be obscure, cryptic. They could potentially be confusing if the viewer tries to identify their meaning in the context of the diagram's content.

If a diagram is going to contain an I/O symbol, I feel it should be recognisable as such in the ASCII source, otherwise it no longer serves the dual purpose of being readable plain text and a parsable specification. So the approach I took with Ascidia was to use ASCII patterns that looks like the symbols they represent. What you see in the ASCII version is what you get in the rendered version:

+-----+   .-----.       +-----+
|     |   '-----'      /     /
|     |   |     |     /     /
|     |   |     |    /     /
'._.-.|   '-----'   +-----+
Document, storage and I/O symbols using Ascidia

Document, storage and I/O symbols using Ascidia

----+   - - +
    |       ;
    |       ;
    v       v
Solid and dashed lines using Ascidia

Solid and dashed lines using Ascidia

I made a conscious decision to make sure that Ascidia's rendered symbols are as close as possible to their ASCII versions. So far, this has meant avoiding any "extra" decoration in the rendered output such as drop-shadows, gradient shading, etc. This makes Ascidia more flexible with regards to the use of its symbols. For example, if the user draws a diagram like the following:

|      |
|      |---+
|      |   |
+------+   |
    |      |

Ascidia recognises the top left part as a rectangular box, and renders it as such. The bottom right part of the diagram is recognised only as a series of connected lines. If Ascidia added a drop shadow to its rectangular boxes, the diagram above would have a drop-shadow on the top left part and not the bottom right. This might have been the user's intention - a box with a line connecting it to itself - but on the other hand, the user may have been trying to represent a pair of boxes overlapping each other. By not adding a shadow, Ascidia doesn't make too many assumptions about the user's intended meaning of the diagram.

With and without drop shadow

With and without drop shadow

What About Colours?

So how do you specify colours with Ascidia? Well, the short answer is that you don't. My thinking is this: if you require colours to convey the meaning of your diagram, then the diagram is already inadequate in its ASCII form. Basically, you're doing it wrong! ;) Ascidia does let you specify the global background and foreground colours when rendering, however.

How it Works

Ascidia has a state machine for each type of symbol it recognises. When a document is being parsed, it makes a pass over the characters in the document, in order from start to finish, for each of these state machines. For each character in the document, it creates a new instance of the state machine as well as feeding the current character into the existing instances. Thus every sub-sequence of characters in the document is checked for a match against each symbol.

Matching symbols using state machines

Matching symbols using state machines

As soon as a state machine is fed a sequence of characters that doesn't match its symbol, it is discarded. As soon as a state machine is fed a matching sequence, the state machine records the size and position of the matched symbol and is stored in a list. Where more than one state machine matches, the one with the longest matching sequence is used. All other currently-running state machines are discarded.

Metadata about the symbol is also recorded against each of its constituent characters. This metadata includes things like whether the character has already been "claimed" by a symbol, whether it is the edge of a box, a line ending, and so on. Further symbol state machines may then base their match on this information. Arrow heads, for example, will only match where existing metadata denoting a line ending is found.

Pattern Definitions

I wanted to make it as easy as possible to add new symbols to Ascidia, so I needed to have a nice way to specify the patterns of symbols it should look for. My initial thought was to use regular expressions to specify valid sequences of characters. However, I quickly found that they weren't flexible enough. Take, for example, a simple rectangle pattern:

|     |
|     |

We could use a regular expression such the one below to match it:

                                   \+-{5}\+.*\n\(| {5}\|.*\n){2}\+-{5}\+
                                    ^ ^   ^ ^    ^ ^   ^ ^       ^ ^   ^
                                    | |   | |    | |   | |       | |   |
        /                  corner --' |   | |    | |   | |       | |   |
   top |          horizontal line ----'   | |    | |   | |       | |   |
  line |                   corner --------' |    | |   | |       | |   |
        \ remainder to line break ----------'    | |   | |       | |   |
middle  /           vertical line ---------------' |   | |       | |   |
  line |             inside space -----------------'   | |       | |   |
  (x2) |            vertical line ---------------------' |       | |   |
        \ remainder to line break -----------------------'       | |   |
        /                  corner -------------------------------' |   |
bottom |          horizontal line ---------------------------------'   |
  line  \                  corner -------------------------------------'

There are a number of issues that this doesn't address, though. Firstly, the regex will only match a rectangle that is exactly 7 characters wide and 4 characters tall. We need to be able to match any size of rectangle, and this means accepting any width of top, middle and bottom line so long as they are all the same. Standard regular expressions don't have any way of specifying this.

Another issue is that of the position in the document. The expression above will only match a rectangle that is up against the left side of the page. That is, each of its lines starts at the first character. If we want to match a rectangle at an arbitrary position, we need to know where along the line the top corner is, and then demand that the same amount of space precedes each subsequent line.

A further issue is the other character data that might surround the rectangle; to the right of each of its lines and inside the box itself. We can use .* to allow any characters, but once the pattern is matched we have no way of determining which of them are part of the rectangle and which aren't. (OK, some regex libraries might be able to provide the starting position of each capturing group, but it gets tricky).

Going beyond regular expressions I began to think about how I would need to store information in variables during the match. Each pattern definition would need to be something almost code-like, and not just data. Lisp's S-Expressions, I hear, are great at the whole code-as-data / data-as-code thing, so I started thinking about some kind of S-Expression-based DSL. Something like:

(pattern (
    (cap-len a (n-of 0+ " "))
    (n-of 1 +)
    (cap-len b (n-of 1+ -))
    (n-of 1 +)
    (n-of 0+ " ")
    (n-of 1 "\n")
    (n-of a " ")

However, as I began to think about more complex patterns I soon realised that such a DSL would need not just variables, but also branches, loops and subroutines. This was well into "code" territory. I concluded that I might as well just use Python itself to specify pattern definitions. It's powerful, concise, and I could use generator functions as a convenient way to hold state information between each character processed.

The pattern definitions I've ended up with aren't exactly the elegant creatures I'd initially hoped for, and adding new patterns is a more involved process than I'd like it to be. The rectangle box definition, for example, is 134 lines of fairly baffling Python code. It could be worse, I suppose, but I definitely consider this to be Ascidia's dirty little secret.


I don't really think Ascidia is "done" yet, as there are lots more features I'd like to add, but it's in a functioning state and I don't have any plans to work on it in the immediate future. It was a fun project and, despite its shortcomings I've found it to be one of the more useful tools I've created for myself.

Ascidia is open source and can be found on Github, here:

]]> Sun, 07 Jun 2015 22:00:58 GMT Mark Frimston,2015-06-07:b22331e63cd9207172a5123b6a1c69ef/67795f8f9a1cd1d447d027dafe2102ff